YOU are the Magic you Dream Of !
Some of us experience our world from the inside out. Rising from the deepest depth to the highest pinnacle. That journey is not easy but it is entertaining, it is challenging and its worth. People would enter you lives making you realize tones of things. Some of it may be wrong and some right. It is the pure circle of life. A thing that was always yours others may contribute to it in making you realize, but only you have the power to witness and bring it out. That power shall last for years to come when you are no more. The memories you give to people will be graceful, vindictive, sullen or painful. Whatever form they may take, they would be yours and you would be engraved on their minds forever. They would remember you when the last half an hour of their bed time will remain. Unless you are a soldier of solitude and prefer to die unnoticed you will keep a mark on people’s minds. Our life is an encounter with perils of darkness. We experience lose and injuri...