
Showing posts from July, 2019

Love And History!

Love is something that can change a person beyond recognition. I think we're beginning to feel that! It can overthrow kingdoms, and without it the world would be a sad place. Without love there would probably be no art, no poetry, and probably no life on this Earth. Back in the late 11th century, the South of France was one of the most peaceful places in Europe and along with this peace came prosperity which gave birth to one of the most brilliant periods in human history. A period in which the tribal and military values of the Germanic tribes that had invaded the Roman Empire in the 4th Century gave way to a new way of thinking. No more brutish conflicts and force, but a society in which honour, respect, patience and true love became essential values. Back in these days the people in the South of France did not speak French at all, they spoke a language that derived from Latin. In this language, the word "yes" was said "Oc", andtherefore it wa...
******** *******Most people in the world don’t know exactly what History is, so this is a simple introduction! First of all there is the Past, a very wide concept relating to everything that happened before the present. Of course, recent past, our own past, are things we can easily relate to, but we know that the past is so vast that we can’t possibly know it all.  We basically start remembering our own memories at around the age of 2 or 3. But we know of the world before us through what other people tell us: our parents, our grandparents etc., have all lived before us and can relate their experience to us. But even then things rarely go beyond a Century back and we lose track of things before that, so we then rely on information given by people from the past. This can be through objects, through various traces, but it’s mainly through writing (letters, newspapers etc.).  It is therefore possible to know what someone who lived two Centuries ago wr...