The Best Time To Live ...



Humans of the 21st century have principally claimed that we are living at the zenith of human evolution and sophistication. From insightful technological advancements to having monopolies in their lives, the criterion for common folk today is phenomenal. I do agree with this conception and also believe that living in the age of the Renaissance and enjoying ballads and ballroom dances in the court amongst the elites would be wonderful.
Subsequently, the period of the Renaissance (encompassing the 15th and 16th centuries) 
was an enthralling period to live in. Several authors, playwrights, musicians, and dancers influenced society not just for that age but for eternity. 
There are several other reasons to cherish and choose to live in this period. 


 People saw and experienced a gradual and subtle transition in their pastoral, political, and civic lives. What I think is most significant about this period is that it exhorted inquisitiveness and exploration, with continuous updates in spreading knowledge.


People questioned the old skeptical belief, and there was the birth of rationalism. Noteworthy philosophers such as RenΓ© Descartes and Francis Bacon enlightened the young and fresh psyche by spreading the aura of knowledge, which is still seen as promising. Take, for example, the birth of Gregorian chants. It made the musical discoveries more striking and harmonious. There was this close relationship between music and poetry that stirred the innermost chord of the listener and made him experience a plenitude of emotions.

One can illustrate this through incredible artists like Leonardo da Vinci, who perfected the phrase "renaissance" with his immortal paintings. For instance, as an expert on scientific and non-scientific subjects, he polished the community by rendering pieces like the Mona Lisa, in which he embodied his soul. Even today, that masterpiece invokes mathematical brilliance, and the power of absolute creation resonates within its configuration. 

To conclude, both the modern and the ancient epochs are mixtures of the best kind of life. Both have their pros and cons, and it depends on a person's perspective as to whether he wants to cherish the extreme advancements in various fields or he wants a peaceful beginning in rationalism.  



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