Nature's Dancer:

In her home called the Universe,
She dances with the magnificent trees,
Fluttering, clasping, moving her Hands,
She reflects the branches so brown and Frank,

The rhythm of the wind entwines Her soul....
depicting mysteries of the enchanting seasons,
She dances wild she dances slow for love,  for truth for every Reason..

Amidst the Human minds so ceaselessly focussed,
going in coming out and working all hours...
She is like that Shadow... unseen, untouched, and breaking the curse.

Her moves move fast, scrambling the earth..
The land is her stage ..we are the onlookers..

The skies applaud and shine on her,
She stands, she smiles proud and Tall, Reflecting who SHE is amidst us all.
******************************************** Ecrit par,
Janaki mehta. ( Meilin Ray )


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you very much. Who are u may I know.

  2. Loved this. So enchanting, keep it up.

    1. Trying dear to improvise more. Thank you for always encouraging me to the right path


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