The Morrigan !

The Morrigan is a Powerful Goddess from the Irish Mythology. A symbol of Battle, sovereignty and strife she takes a form of  Magnificent black Raven when the warriors are fighting for their lives in the battlefield. She flies above them and gives them a strength to win. Also in the Ulster cycle she takes a form of an eel, a cow and a wolf. Morrigan is undoubtedly a war deity although she is compared with the Germanic Valkyries. Her form as a cow is often associated with wealth land and prosperity. The Morrigan are also a traige of Goddesses and number three is said to be the most auspicious number in both celtic, norse and welsh mythology.

 The Morrigan and her sisters are all seen as the War Goddesses and are connected to fate and destiny. Its a strict resemblance to giant tribes of Norns and Valkyries. She lurks above the heads of the fighters on the battlefield to foretell death and also her voice and appearance is fierce threatening and ominous.  She is a terrific form to any mortal or a valiant who dares to come across her.  If we go deep within the roots of her origin Morrigan is another byname of the Boinn Goddess ( Bovinda in old Irish ) and she is the spouse of Fraoch ( Vroicos in old Gaulish and Irish ). This Boinn also takes the carnation of a Raven, in her form known as the Badhbh Cath, aka Catubodua in Gaul. ( Gaulish ). 

People worship her but there are posters where she is just shown as the Raven and Cow sometimes but she is also reflected as a Goat. If we relate the concept to the Hindu mysticism so many people only by knowing her name connect to the Goddess Kali who is also seen as the Goddess of death and hatred. But the truth is both are also birthgivers and nurterers of life. They are protectors of new born babies and naive hearts. Its a shame people loosen connections to the circle of life and always associate with a Cartoon never stopping to think that is our daily life, the happenings around us everyday. This Goddess is a reflection of all women so strong that she can carry a life into the world and also destroy it in the same way. She isnt defeated by any sorrow that pertains. We can also relate tgis counterpart with Lord Shiva.


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