The Wrath of Terrorism !

*Stop acting like a terrorist* !!

What do you imagine when you scold or bully someone by this particular adjective ? It directly relates to the devilism conducted by inhumane humans who in the name of Gods berate and destroy religion and people. There is this constant fear for your family's safety, your town or your city and by and large countries protection. You are afraid that your child or your elder is not safe in certain areas of the city, as there are frightful gunmens pointing Guns on innocent hearts. You havent hurt them or taken anything from them still in the name of Jehad or Lord's order they murder your soul and take  evil happiness in that. Thats Fateful Terrorism !! 

Terrorism is an upsurging monster since decades and the world is almost helpless in curbing it down. No doubt the badmen are captured and hanged to death for their deeds but its foundation remains unfound. Osama bin laden, kasab and al zazeera such dangerous men and networks put the guns in innocent hands and ask them to be killers in the name of God. Not just in India but every government in the world be it in the World Trade Centre of 9 11, Paris attacks, the New Zealand attacks ( mosques) the Syria and iraq wars and our national decadent problem of Kashmir is unsolved and still in bloodshed. The government looks weak !! It is a horrendous reflection of what  aatankvaad means. Its a constant lingering threat which haunts all of us every single day. We capture the evil doers but they again sprang up like pests !! 

Thousands of people are wounded every year and several troops are sent by various countries to help the victims but what happens in the end. ?? We loose our loved ones for Nothing ! And we blame the government and the Army for that. If we talk about Indian Army, their excellent operations like surgical strike makes us believe that evil can be stopped but stopping is not the only solution.

 We need to destroy the Roots of Building Terrorism that make a demon out of a human !! Soldiers try hard to stop the bombs and attacks. They lay down their lives every single day and we stay safe for sometime. But what about A peaceful permanent sleep that our future generations need ?? Can we really outwit this Monster and put an End to its terror for forever?? Think about this my friends..and let me know a Solution !! 


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