Old Telephone and A new Cell !

A glittering new Mobile with loads of games and Apps was sitting proudly on the table. "ah ! This shiney new body the new voice and Ringtone" ! Am I looking like a star ! Just like on the tv ad ! 
He smiled to himself and thought of cleaning his memory again as he had to remain up to date. "Boy what a day it was ! The little kid played so many games in me. I could feel the puzzles and movie songs humming all day in my memory!" but i know its impossible to live without me now. Duh ! 
        "Do you really think so young lad ?" a coarse voice came from a dark corner somewhere. "you think you have captured people's hearts but do you know the reality of being a tech freak ?"
"whose that ? Who spoke ?" The cell a bit shocked began to beep loudly and started scanning the area.

"its me young lad"... And slowly a big red box with round dials peeped from inside the corner. He had a receiver and a long chord which was now dusty and unused. He looked old and rusty but had a pride of the past.  He was a Red Telephone. 

πŸ“±mobile: "oh... Who are you ? Have we met before ? I think i have seen you somewhere.πŸ€”.
Tel : "yes... I am like your great grandfather. The red telephone. 
πŸ“± mobile: "Heyy... Yes i have seen you in my old pictures history. What you doing here? I thought people dont use you anymore. Is it like dinosaurs that extinct species come back ? And he laughed ! 

Telephone: "it is true that i am on the verge of extinction now. But i too had my days. My grandeur and power to call attached people from all over the world and they spoke with each other so happily"! 

Mobile was listening intently to his talks, he replied : dont mind my words Mr telephone or whatever your name was..pwoof !  but history is history. Look at you now ! you are old and fragile and outdated !  You cannot even move around like me..like us ! We are the new rulers new Kings of Technology ! We have world on our screens ! 

Telephone : i cannot help but smile at your pride dear. ( He tries to move bit closer in the light but his chord stops him ) 

 "Its the young hot circulation of current and power that has made you so self proud. Do you know when you werent even born, we used to help and connect the world and bring families togather instead of separating them ?" we loved Humans and Humanity!   
πŸ“±mobile : " huh ? what can you do ? seriously ? Can you order food from pop restaurants and take outs ? Can you buy new dresses ? Can you take Beautiful sweet selfies my dear old Grampa ?😏😏 all you can do us sit and do the Boring Trin Trin which is seriously a pain in the ears = ! Damn i know how you sounded ..like tring tring tiding tiding ..man its so annoying ! Look at me..! i have tonnes of musical ringtones $! i can share pictures and movies and talk whenever i want. You and me have no compassion ! I think you must go back now !  

And he started Vibrating... It was his New sassy Move ,!😎

Telephone smiled and sighed like an old man who knew the reality. : " True that you have the world in your buttons. πŸ‘πŸ‘

But what about love between families ?πŸ‘¨‍πŸ‘©‍πŸ‘§‍πŸ‘¦ Have you seen our own members drop and spill food because they play with you on the dinner table. ? Little master doesnt talk with his mother or daddy because he is given artificial chess to play instead of real chess or sports to play outside ! Its so Sad to see everyone at the party but no one Speaks. Nobody communicates ! They just stare at you and keep smiling at your blank screen. I see it from my corner here as they laugh at me for an antique and take selfies as if i belong to a Museum ! 
People, i was the one who made you cry with happiness when you spoke with your loved ones miles away. You loved each other physically and took care to show and speak your gratitude ! You all were a Family ! Not sone bunch of Mechanical Lousy Robots! 

Suddenly the little master barged in and picked up his phone and started typing something. 
The cell was amused and gave a bright light smiling sarcastically at the old Tele. "haha ! You and your old stories ! Look how he is smiling ..look eh ! He loves me . I am his pal his Chum !'" after an hour or so the boy threw the cell on the sofa with a thud and went away. The cell got a bit hurt but remained silent. After a while his dad came and started to search something, he found the red telephone lying in the dark corner. He called his wife and son. "guys, come here i gotto show you something !" his wife came typing something on her cell and his boy dancing to a music. 
"Whats up dad ?"  
"Look son. Do you remember when you were little i showed you this red telephone". ? 
"this ? Ohh yeah. The tring tring box. Why is it still here. ?

"i am going to reuse it from tomorrow as i was thinking our mobiles get too much of billing and electricity"... This would save half of our money and also you can get out of the house more instead of charging ur cell all the time."
The kid didnt understand much but happily agreed. 

"Sure dad, but i do love my pal here, he is my best friend.  He plays with me and never makes me feel lonely". 

His mother fondly kissed him and said "from now on you can get your real friends like you and also play with this. " we need to understand the importance of real relations and not the virtual friendship all the time". Everything has its limits ". 

The family animatedly chatted away and discussed plans for dinner and the two old and new generation phones looked at each other with beautiful Smiles. 



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