Queen Tabitha !

 "Are you frightened, daughter?" The words of my father touched my ears as we walked along the high paths upon the Citadel walls. So many people! So many! "I confess...l am, Father. This day. This responsibility is overwhelming." He smiled and patted her hand as they walked. "It can be if you allow it." I smiled. "Is that how you ruled so well? Not allowing it?" He smiled back at her. "Ariel helped over much." And they both laughed. 

Today was a day among days. The day of succession. Tabitha did her best to quieten her nerves but still could not accomplish such a mighty task.

"I confess, father. I confess I am unsure of my ability to do as you did when you were King." He chuckled. "I am still King." A sheepish look overtook his face. "Until Noon." His eyes thinned humorously. "You are not going to exile me, are you? I'm too old for that life."

***********  Tabitha was shocked. "What? Of course not! Why would you say that? Father!" To her outburst, he just laughed. Warm eyes met her own as they neared the Throne Room. "Listen to me. And listen well. Do not rule like me. Make the choices I made. Rule as you would. Not as a Sovereign. Nor a Queen. But as the Mother of this kingdom. Just as I was Father to it for so long. Each one of these people is yours to care for and protect. But always remember, you serve them. It's Not the other way around. They will grow weary. They will grumble and hate. But that is the way of all children. They will grow to love and respect you as they did me, as long as you do the same for them. You embody them. Walk with your head up.

****""*"*************  "Chin out. Proud and strong. They will follow your example. And they will see what I have always seen." "And what is that Father? What have you seen?" The King smiled. "That you are a blessing. A Heavenly gift is given to a man who was not worthy of such love and devotion." "Hush, Father. That is enough of that." Tabitha said as she embraced him warmly. "I will make you proud. I will."

∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆   The King chuckled. "I have always been proud of you, peanut. Always." And both father and daughter shared looks of love and respect for long moments. Not King and Princess. Just father and daughter, walking. "Come." He said, patting her hand. "Time to make you the Queen. It's Time to take your place." Tabitha breathed calmly now. She would be *The Queen Who Will Serve as a Mother to her Kinsmen*. She would be an Example. And she did not feel any fear any more.


Produced & Edited by Janaki ©®™


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