Our Prime Responsibilities Towards Ecological Sustenance !


♣.               Good Morning Everyone! Hope you all are doing well and safe. My topic for today is vast and intriguing. Our Ecological Culture and our crucial accountability towards its sustenance..... 

♣.                     Cultural Ecology has several components determining its vitality and its basic idea. One of the factors is Environmental determinism. Several cultures are affected and are created by the surrounding ecology. 

♣.               A prosperous environment will increase longevity and will be a beneficial source of life for everybody. If the habitat remains the exclusive determining factor in one culture we would get several cultures of a similar kind later on. The people who live in the same County and geographical areas and who have access to the same resources still will exhibit varied nature in civilization.  

♣.                Some differences are quite extreme and they also have alternative procedures for the production of food. All these factors are interconnected. This is why it is mandatory to maintain an equilibrium between the climate, human lives flora and fauna. And you know what the secret to its symmetry is? It's us. 

♣.                          We human beings if try our best, can create a wondrous form of Climate that would not only stop the deforestation, the scanty rainfall, the killing of innocent animals and birds, the upsurge of deadly viruses and the drying of abundant river waters. A small and regular positive input from each person residing across the globe will increase our Earth's life expectancy. 

♣.                             We want Modernism, we want an Advent in technology, there are rockets and space shuttles and satellites moving in Space with our pride but what At what price? According to several reports space is filling itself with mechanical debris which in turn is defiling the earth's ocean waters. Recently a space machine from Chinese unions landed very badly in Ocean waters killing God Knows how many marine lives. 

♣.      Is it their fault that they cannot speak of the disturbance caused by us? We major in Degrees but we cannot understand this simple logic that One person's so-called progress can lead to a Devastation of several other organisms. Why can't you digest this? 

♣.             The evergreen problem of Global warming ( I say this ironically, it's  "evergreen" because so far no major step has been taken to stop the damage )   so many harmful actions have been made by us that it's almost impossible to count. Bushfires in Australia, Typhoons in India, Melting Glaciers in Antarctica, Rising heat temperatures in Europe and Africa...what is all these? How do we stop it?  

Take the Pledges seriously and implant them. Say No to Plastics, Say no to Harmful chemicals and gases used in the industries. Use more and more eco-friendly and Organic products. It might be a bit expensive but our simplicity will lead to a beautiful tomorrow and we would be thankful for it later. 

Every country in the world, be it big or small must put an end to toxic emulsions and shut down such industries no matter how big they are. Every house must have a little garden or an organic plantation to reduce CO2 to a certain extent. 

The usage of personal automobiles can also be reduced if you want to "Breathe" properly. Use public transports it's much safer and better once the virus gets away. Less production of automobiles is also a very very important factor in balancing the ecosystem in the long run. Please take a hint and Start now. Otherwise.........

That's it for now, 

Thank- You, All. 





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