• Thy spirit walks with a delusion of happiness submerging into reality. 
  • Those sea waves touching my feet are only small bubbles with pathetic cry of fraternity.
  • Sun sinks down in the peninsula then arise the stars eavesdropping its magnanimity.
  • I will hide myself in this void 
  • Binding me in a veil of anonymity.
  • A fresh fragile soul screams inside this body
  • Why am I hiding inside peoples hypocrisy?
  • Let courage bind every piece of my flesh, 
  • Its waiting to have it surrender to my fate.
  • Curse the black unicorn who showed me the dark fantasies
  • I had lulled myself in this feint of longevity.
  • Walking down the aisle of illusion, love sees the black velocity
  • Oh! Thou must run! it is a curse of disparity.
  • Numb with shock and running pell-mell... it hides itself in a dark shadowy grave.
  • The earth was silent...the wind was still.
  • I came to my senses now I am not afraid. 

  •                                                                               *JANAKI MEHTA*


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