- Thy spirit walks with a delusion of happiness submerging into reality.
- Those sea waves touching my feet are only small bubbles with pathetic cry of fraternity.
- Sun sinks down in the peninsula then arise the stars eavesdropping its magnanimity.
- I will hide myself in this void
- Binding me in a veil of anonymity.
- A fresh fragile soul screams inside this body
- Why am I hiding inside peoples hypocrisy?
- Let courage bind every piece of my flesh,
- Its waiting to have it surrender to my fate.
- Curse the black unicorn who showed me the dark fantasies
- I had lulled myself in this feint of longevity.
- Walking down the aisle of illusion, love sees the black velocity
- Oh! Thou must run! it is a curse of disparity.
- Numb with shock and running pell-mell... it hides itself in a dark shadowy grave.
- The earth was silent...the wind was still.
- I came to my senses now I am not afraid.
How to Stay Fit During Hot Chilly And Humid Climates: By Janaki Mehta :: Seasons are a blessing to civilization. We move through the world and experience tropical hot summer, to bone-chilling winters or the fall of autumn breeze and leaves. It seems very beautiful. Some countries have super hot sun or extreme torrential rains that leave them drenched and full of greenery. If you people are living in a country that is hot and humid, then here's how you can beat those scorching summer rays. *MODERATE CAFFEINE CONSUMPTION Youngsters love coffee. It's a personal statement as I am a huge fan of black coffee. It helps me tick during long working hours. But excess to everything is bad. Consumption of any good thing should also be limited. Caffeine is a source of natural energy booster, and it works wonders when you are planning for a marathon or workout. However, too much caffeine leads to constipation, anxiety and dehydration. You can consume 1 or 2 cups, but drink plenty of...
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