*Leave me O sun in the darkness of my heart,
I still want to wait for that perfect Mirage,
That Love beckoning through my hallucinating self,
Is it still coming or laughing at my fate?
I am tired of waiting for the magic to happen,
Afraid my time would be over in less than a second.
Come My love hasten up your wheels
I am numb shocked and crying with chills.
The world doth mock me with its towering glare,
How do I bear to their withering stare?
I hear your footsteps I wait at the door
Wonder if it is just a little while More...
Fasten up your pace and take me away,
The unwelcomed solitude stirs and sways.
Heaven Knows Now How & When....
Would I be a bride or A flower on the grave*
                                            JANAKI MEHTA 


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