Oblivion of Death. --------- by Janaki Mehta

It was a dark nocturnal time. Freezing cold was grabbing the atmosphere into its teeth clenching clutch.  I was pale and frostbitten, walking alone in the path lighted by the moonlight. My hands were freezing beyond pain, and my eye lashes Cudnt handle the snowflakes on it. I clutched my coat tighter around me, and kept walking to a path which either was leading me to a deep forest or a village. The wind grew stronger and stronger causing my steps to get shortened and slower. A snow covered field beckoned its presence in the visage of darkness. I felt a bit relieved guessing a village would be nearer now. The whistling winds were blewing my fragile frame. I was balancing myself with much difficulty while it threw me side to side. 

The snow was white against the dark clouds, and my feet were numb with pain. I felt no circulation of blood within them. 
Suddenly a strong gust of wind threw me back on the ground, and I fell with a painstricken thud. I was so shocked and frozen with cold, that I couldn't scream for help.  Helplessly, I stared at the clouds veiling the moon behind them.  I felt like crying but my tears froze under my retinas. The moonlight was getting dimmer and dimmer. Slowly fading in the sky, it got lost in the darkness. 
I struggled to get up hearing only my painful moans and the winds whistling in the eerie silence. My hands were sinking under the snow causing them to get numb beyond the limit. 

Nevertheless, I stood up my feet shaking and I looked around. Walking a few steps, I fell down again in a frozen Bush. Suddenly there came a strangest voice as if it was a squirrel scurrying around. My ears were choked with frost bite so I thought it might be the storm whistles. But again that voice came. This time more clearer.  " Hey.. You...  Psstt.. Come here.  " 

"Oh dear lord" !! I panicked.  Who on earth is calling me at this deserted place"?? Without thinking I rushed to a nearby tree and held it for support. I couldn't even cry as such was the shock.  

I looked around but saw nothing except the snow flakes turned into a giant monster of snow storm.  I heard that voice again calling me to come to it. I couldn't make out whether it was a human or... I couldn't think beyond. All the stories of snow-spirits came to my mind and my heart thumped like a drum.  It was getting nearer and nearer and before I could think of saving myself It grabbed me. 

I couldn't move. I couldn't see or think.  There was no one yet I was unable to move an inch. I screamed but my voice didn't come out. It grabbed me tighter around the tree and struggled to move.  I felt cold.  Colder than I had ever felt . I was screaming shouting crying in my mind unable to envisage the capture. Slowly I felt all the strength leaving my body...  It was getting dark and my legs drooped down on the ground. 

And that's the last thing I remember while standing on the gates of Heaven.  


  1. Beautiful story... So sweet and touching. Nice one.

    1. I am honoured that you found it interesting. Thank you very much Aliyy.

  2. I was literally felt as if I'm standing at the gate of Heaven.

    As slowly, step-by-step I was dragged by the nature into it's eternal Hug.

    The Air Element was freezing and my blood was fired by Agni Element. The water element of my sweat vapoued and the skeleton freezed like a tree trunk into the Element Earth.

    And, then the Sky / Space element entered within me which enlivened the eternal journey after-life.

    Touching story, Ms Janaki.


  3. You wrote a micro fiction IN seconds Bhargav bhatt. Give me ur talent.
    Thanks for the Bful comment. Inspiring as always dear man.


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