Covid-Through a Child's eye

 I am quite eager today to share with you my chosen topic of difficult roads that often leads to beautiful destinations. 

This applies to all of us here who are passing through the same time as the world witnessed the horror of a pandemic. I never had heard this word before, never took it seriously. I knew what a virus is, but until now I never understood how deadly it can be. Nevertheless, the "corona kaal" as we call it is unexpected and a mixed experience for me.

 8 months at home...I am a long would I be able to stay at home? How long will stay from my class? How long?  Won't I feel an urge to run outside with bare feet not caring about the silly virus? The answer is. .  I will stay as long as there doesn't come a green signal of "coast (in this case air) is clear. 

Because it's not just me who will be prone. These are all my brothers and sisters and my elders whom I must save from the jaws of death. I will be patient until there will come a day to touch my real playground. 

I will be patient until I can run along the pavement to hug my friend and scream with joy for the reunion. I remember all my happy days with all of you. Many of my friends are sitting here with several thoughts in their heads as to how to overcome this fear, this negativity? 

Some of us don't even understand why and how this happened? How can a small virus kill a full-bodied human?

 My friends, always remember as the pen is mightier than the sword (positively) a small invisible enemy can destroy a huge body of 6 feet. That is why never underestimate the severity of the situation and also don't get much affected by it. We have all been this patient....cant we wait a little bit more to get sweeter results of good health? We can and we will. 

How often do we get a chance to save others without doing anything? We don't need to fight a war or argue for a fuming discussion. This is where we sit down doing nothing and keep counting the number of lives that we will save. This is the time where we distance ourselves from our dada dad nana naani our beloved because we want to live with them longer. 

This pain and frustration of separation will ultimately lead us to a road of fulfilment. We will all be together again by distancing ourselves at the moment. Being a kid it's never easy, I tell you. But I have learnt from my observation and understanding to regularly sanitize my hands with soap or liquid. It's just a matter of 30 seconds. Easier than staying sick in bed for 30 days. 

Am I right? I wear a mask that my parents bought me. It looked a bit weird at first but then I felt like a Batman and Robin!! He covers his eyes, I cover my face. He protects the world, I protect my family and friends. We all are cool, aren't we? Our favourite superheroes always tell us to save the world, my friends, this is the chance. Stay 6 feet away, wave your hands in the air to show your love, wear a mask and remember you are a Warrior. A Humane warrior. And we know that wars aren't easy. And that too when the enemy is invisible. 

We are fighting with something we cannot see. But look, can we see God? We cannot. ....yet....but we believe in him. Similarly, covid cannot be seen by anyone in this world (not even Batman) 😉 but it exists. I want you all to know, that in these 8 months, I have learnt to be incredibly patient. I have learnt to save lives most easily. I gave a thought of how my family, my best friends my granny my grandpa even my pet dog coco can stay safe by being away from me. Yes, I see them every day but I touch them all with my heart and my eyes. That's all we have to do. It's very difficult, but you must Do it. To be eternally in touch with each other!! 

Thank you, and stay safe. 


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