How To Become a Pro-Reader

Quality Reading is an embedded royalty in the course of gaining knowledge. If I daresay on my part, " A good book for me is like a refuge and a cure from the innumerable dilemmas of the world. It's a solution. A library filled with tales and topics will render a new vision to interpret life".   

For learning a novel idea or a perspective you grab a particular genre, and that authentic substance fills your brain with information. Your brain gets a transgression or a push from what you believed in the past and formulates a new concept. Reading defines your life in a way you can understand your past and even your present. There is no book where a writer or the author/biographer hasn't made an effort to collectively represent the facts and fiction. You can criticize the writings but you cannot cancel or ignore them. 

There are moments where a single line from some novel or a textbook can erupt through your mind and change your life. You never know.

What I feel is, it doesn't matter how many books you read in a day in a month or even several years, the motto is how much insight do you grab from each element of those compositions. You must try to remember the rendered experiences described in those books. That's the foundation of knowledge. That's how you will build a perspective or add a novel vision to your thinking. Reading one book in two days is better than browsing through the hum-drum of 10 different genres in a week.

* Playful Wisdom: 

Pleasure and proficiency can run parallel many times. You can read to ease yourself, to relax and have animated fun, you can smile along with learning some creativity. There is just so much to explore. But here I would like to add more to just reading gaining and sharing. 

*Amassing Maximum 
from the Minimum :

 Apart from the suggestions and recommendations, you would know which book to drill in by looking at its skilful qualitative content. 

Many people would gather a bunch of copies and start to jot down what seems the best to them to engulf. What I feel is, you don't need to read it page by page and make full-throttle analytics of every line. People browsing websites won't read all of it. They would just go through a few lines up and down take a bird's eye view and instantly know whether they made the right choice or not. The same goes with hardcover paperback. 

If there are bullet points go through them, read the back of the summary and you will know if you have gained a diamond or a pebble. ( no offence to the pebbles they are useful ). 

#  Cease Searching : 

This might be a debatable point and I don't expect many to agree on it. Nevertheless, I feel that a frantic search for several important ideas can gain you a loss of a single inkling of richer quality. 

The thing is, one book might have a beautiful recourse in just a few pages while you were reading different lines in 5 other books which collectively made less sense than these 10 lines in a single page. 

There are so many beautiful things, in short, shorter versions to read that you won't get enough of it and you shouldn't lose that opportunity. I am not saying epistolary and narratives are unjustifiable. They are priceless in their way, but the point is, the very best stance would be lying next to you and you will go beyond horizons for something less stimulating. Isn't that a bit weird? 

 # Little Beauties 

Excellent authors and poets don't always need embellishing words to give you a picturesque view. Apart from the epic novels and history parts, simple narrations and lines like " my love is like a red red rose or Tarry a little Jew" can make you feel the warmth and the intensity of suspense in the latter. The plot, structure and storyline are so catchy that you can't wait to turn the page to see what happens next. Intense Engagement and honest reactions of the readers is the best reward for the scribblers. 

# Choose What You Can Imply

 There is one way to choose editions that you would enjoy. Read what you can apply in your life at an immediate stance or in the later stage. You might love fantasy, fiction, philosophy, theology, horror, medical, just make sure you can learn something from it for refinement. 

Putting your perspectives into actions is the best to justify the writings of the writer. Practice reading. It's the best form of learning. 

# Re-read the Read : 

The philosopher Karl Popper has explained the concept of re-read the books quite befittingly, “Anything worth reading is not only worth reading twice but worth reading again and again. If a book is worthwhile, then you will always be able to make new discoveries in it and find things in it that you didn’t notice before, even though you have read it many times.”

Enjoy the Editions. 



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